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Once upon a time there was a fox chased by a tiger in a forest. He ran as fast as he could in order to save his life. But suddenly, he fell into a well which was covered with shrubs that obstructed his vision, as he was running. He could not come out of the well. Now the fox knew that death had been waiting for him in that well. He was sad. Soon the fox heard a goat bleating nearby. He shouted loudly...
Once upon a time there was a beautiful contest happened between the sun and the wind. It was to see which of the two was stronger than the other. The wind was very proud of itself and its prowess. It said, "Even the mighty clouds bow before me. They know that I can drive them away. And the clouds can envelop you. So you are a small thing before me." The sun said, "It is the time that will tell...
We are all citizens of one country of India. We acquire citizenship of our country generally by virtue of our birth. But to be a good citizen requires a lot of training and understanding. As the subject of a country, every citizen has some duties and he enjoys at the same time certain rights. All of us have a right to take part in the legislative as well as judicial activities of this country and...
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in the town of Porbander in the state of Gujarat on 2nd October 1869. He had his schooling in nearby Rajkot, where his father served as the adviser to the local ruler.  Though India was then under British rule, over 500 kingdoms, principalities, and states were allowed...
B. R. Ambedkar was born on April 14, 1891 at Ambedkar village in Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra state. His father was Ramji. He was the 14th son of his father. He is known as Bheem Rao Ambedkar. Ambedkar was a brilliant child. His teacher at school, who noticed this, was impressed and added a...